Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Last Day

Well the boy didn't get to go to Victoria either. It appears he cut his foot and so he is slowing down his pace. He said it already takes a long time to get there but with a hurt foot, it is even more bothersome. So he got on my nerves yesterday for no apparent reason. I have to say I have noticed one thing about him this trip. He gets cranky in the afternoon-yes like a five year old- without his nap. After he wakes up from his nap he is quite personable. I haven't noticed since he's been home from school because I am at work in the afternoons and by the time I see him in the evening he is back to being a normal human being. The great news is that since he is now officially 21 if we ever go anywhere ever again together, he will be in his own room! He can be as cranky as he wants to be to himself.
I'll tell you one thing-there's no way I would believe that Vancouver has rainy Spring weather. This week has been incredible. In so many ways it has been better Spring weather here than in NY. When I left NY it was chilly but here it has been mostly over 70 degrees and sunny every day. If someone asked me to stay and could give me a job and a roof over my head I would definitely jump on it! I'm sure I wouldn't have felt that way if I were rain soaked but sun soaked? Hell Yeah! I really am kind of sorry we have to leave and I almost got lost in the fantasy until J  started talking about his last 3 semesters of college and how much money I may have to cough up and my mind went immediately to work. Oh joy, the job I don't love but need to keep in order to keep paying my parent loan and whatever the current parental obligation will be for the Fall semester. Alright I am snapped out of my reverie now and I am thrust back to returning to my real life.  Don't get me wrong, there really isn't ANYTHING wrong with my life. Overall, it really is pretty damn good compared to a lot of people out there but like most human beings, there's something about the "have to's" that brings about this disdain and an overwhelming desire to say "Screw it! I'm outta here!" This too shall pass as my life goes in cycles as I suspect most of ours do.
I'm going to take my final stroll, then re-pack, call my husband and rest a bit since we have to leave at 4am. We are taking the train back to Seattle and flying out from there but before we go, J wants the cab driver to stop by Science World while it's dark so he can get some night shots before we leave. He did thank me for a wonderful trip, I think I entered the Twilight Zone.

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