As part of the magic of the trip, my son wanted to fly to Seattle then take the train into Vancouver. "Why can't we just fly to Vancouver," I say. "Why?", he says. It's like reliving his childhood for me. Okay so I'm game. We will fly to Seattle, my butt is firmly planted in the seat as I type this part of the story. My dear boy is sleeping peacefully next to me looking both childlike and grown at the same time. Twenty one is that magical age for parents letting their little birds fly. I'm wondering how hard I should shove. Don't get me wrong I love having him around in measured doses but when he's away at school I can't help but feel that's the way it's supposed to be. Our kids should strike out on their own and be independent, that's the fun part. I remember when I got my first full time job and made enough money to move out- I was ecstatic! So as I sit hire now looking at him I wonder how long before he gets to experience that feeling or will it even feel like that for him. Ah well, time will tell. For now, I'm just enjoying a lovely flight on Delta.✈ Well it was mostly a lovely flight, as we were descending the controls on my son's seat decided it was going to stop working altogether . No matter what they say he cannot return his seat to an upright position!
Seattle's airport is pretty big. J decided we should take the Link train downtown. I feel like I walked to the other end of the airport to get to their light rail train. I must be getting old.

After our brief sojourn on the light rail we got off at Chinatown. There is an Asian food-court/market on the corner that sells delicious cream puffs from a place called Beard Papa. I highly recommend them. I am a cream puff purist so I always get the original but they have lots of incarnations.

J had me walking around Kinokuniya which is a Japanese bookstore. At this point I'm really missing my husband who normally carries my bag! However I have learned an important lesson- I need to take my out of shape self back to the gym!

I think my son has figured out that his mother's back is giving out so we have proceeded to the Amtrak station on King street to await our iron horse. They rehabbed the station and it looks really nice. If you enter on the south Jackson St. entrance you get hit in the face with the smell of fresh paint. My son called it a huffing outbreak.

So since we have a couple of hours to kill I figured I'd update and probably post this today. We won't be getting to Vancouver until sometime after 10:30pm this evening so why not type away on the old iPhone. I encouraged him to go out and walk around while I type and watch the bags. Watching him wave as he went out made me forget he's 21 tomorrow! Oh my, enough typing for now, I think I'm getting misty.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:S King St,Seattle,United States
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