Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Here's What I Know....

A whole lotta something and a whole lotta nothin' depending on the topic. I started this blog on the off chance it may be of use to somebody, somewhere. What am I talking about?...Everything! From the mundane to the macabre. Nothing is off limits. I could be inspired to write a whole article on something critically important or something so inane it just makes you laugh. Personally the top things I love are laughing and traveling. Well honey before you get bent out of shape I said "things" not people. The top people are my husband (tip of the hat) and my son. They are at the top of the heap sort of speak.
I'm one of those people that just wants to go through life in peace and have a good time doing it. I am not passionate about my job but I do it very well. I'm one of those people that don't have to love what they do just love the money it provides to keep a roof over my head and food on the table. I have a lot of places I want to see before I leave this world. I don't like calling it a bucket list I just call it my life's plan. I have a great love for my family and friends and I am a big believer in "If I can do it, why can't you?" I like to share what I know and I always hope I can make someone's life just a little better by sharing what I know with them.
Maybe I am a jack of all trades... Kind of gal. At work I have a sign on my door that says the something to the effect of "The supervisor, psychologist, IT professional and financial advisor is In/Out".  Am I a narcissist? Nah, not so much. I am however, a realist and realistically I'm one of those people that likes to learn new things and I have always been a voracious consumer of information. I'm like that robot in the movie "Number 5 is Alive! Input, give me input!" Take this blog for instance. I sat at my desk and thought  "why don't I start a blog?" and here I am trying it out. Will anyone read it? I don't know but I will continue to write in it until it is no longer fun. It's bad enough I have to go to a job I think I could do from home but for some reason they are resistant to letting me try and I think that lack of flexibility is stifling. The older I get, the more I seem to relish flexibility.
Okay, we'll that's kind of me in a nutshell. I figured I should put my agenda out there should someone find a reason to read my blog. To recap, I want all of us to take some pleasure in our lives everyday. It can be a two minute chuckle or a ten minute guffaw. Either way remember to take the time to laugh and if possible find one thing that brings you joy everyday. Who knows, maybe one day it will be my blog! Welcome to my world!

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